Service Areas

Colonial Pest Control

Pest Control & Exterminator Services in Kingston, NH

Serving Rockingham County since 1984

Kingston, New Hampshire was originally part of Hampton, but was rechristened “Kingstown,” in honor of the king of England, in 1694. It was eventually shortened to its current name.

One notable aspect of Kingston is The Kingston Days, an annual celebration that takes place the first weekend in August to commemorate the town’s incorporation in August 1694. The celebration offers live music, family activities and attractions, a flea market, a car show, and a motorcycle show. It also includes events like the police dog demonstration and the karate show. During Kingston Days, the Kingston historical museum is open to the public.

Much less fun are Kingston’s pests. Common pests in Kingston include yellow jackets and carpenter ants.

Yellow jackets

Yellow jackets are a dangerous group of social wasps. Their aggressive tendencies can cause serious harm to you and your family, so if you’re in Kingston and you’ve got yellow jackets, call Colonial Pest’s exterminators right away.

Carpenter Ants

Carpenter ants, like termites, bore into the wood in your home and ruin the structural integrity. They can quickly become a nuisance that is almost impossible to control without professional extermination. Carpenter ants are the number-one wood-destroying pest and should be dealt with immediately.

Colonial Pest has provided low-cost protection from pests for residential homeowners in New Hampshire and Massachusetts since 1984. If you live in Kingston and any of these pests are bugging you, it’s time to do something about it. Give us a call today at 1-800-525-8084.

Corporate Offices

32 Lake Ave.

Worcester, MA 01604


47 Thames Rd Ste 6&7

Hooksett, NH 03106



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