
Seed Bugs Would Like to Spend the Winter in Your Home!

By Chris Williams on October 4, 2016.

The name western conifer seed bug might be confusing since this insect is an important pest in the Northeast. It was first described in the western U.S. where it is a native pest, but in recent years it has been gradually moving eastward and is now common across the northern United States and into Canada. Even though this bug is now established in Massachusetts and New Hampshire, we rarely see it until it tries to move into our homes in the fall (see Western Conifer Seed Bugs Are a Northeastern Pest!).

The western conifer seed bug is an outside bug that lives and feeds on the seeds of conifers (you probably guessed that part) and related trees such as pines, spruce, fir, and hemlock. But, like many other outdoor insects, it’s not crazy about our Northeastern winters. When fall weather comes, its natural behavior is to search for protected places in which to hunker down. Normally that would mean hiding under tree bark or in dead trees, or in animal nests. But if there are homes near its host trees and if those homes have gaps or openings around the roofline, or around doors, or around chimneys, homes can provide great alternative shelter. The bugs will congregate on sunny, outside walls and around doors and windows looking for a way inside.

Are You Prepared for a Home Invasion?

We get calls because these bugs are large (3/4-inch) and kind of creepy-looking. Large numbers can suddenly appear out of nowhere. On top of that, they can fly and when they do they make a buzzing sound like a bumble bee. They’re generally pretty well behaved once they get inside. They go into hiding in attics or wall voids, or in other crevices until spring. They may get confused, however, and make a premature appearance in your living room on a warm, sunny winter day (see Large, Sluggish Bugs in Your Home This Winter?).

If you have a lot of conifers or evergreens on your property you may have to get used to seeing these guys, but there are things you can do to keep them out of your house. Give Colonial Pest a call and ask us about pest-proofing your home. Our technicians will inspect and seal openings that seed bugs (and other pests) use to get inside. We can also treat around the perimeter of your home to eliminate the bugs before they can make their move. It’s part of our package protection plan.

Photo Credit : By Didier DescouensOwn work, CC BY-SA 4.0, wikipedia

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