Preventing Pantry Pests – Advice From the Pros
By Chris Williams on July 18, 2011.
Preventing beetles and moths from infesting your kitchen takes a little common sense, good food storage practices, and some luck. Completely eliminating an existing pantry pest infestation isn’t easy, and requires a lot of effort.
Buy packaged foods in smaller quantities that are used up more quickly. Use older foods first. Get rid of packages that have been on the shelf forever.
- Check packages before purchase Make sure they are sealed, with no crumbs or webbing on the bottom. Check the package date to make sure the food is still fresh.
- Dry pet food and bird seed are the two most commonly infested items. If you buy these in large quantities, store them away from the kitchen in a metal
garbage can or other large container with a tight-fitting lid.
- If you suspect pantry pests, you or your pest control professional will need to check every boxed or bagged food item in your kitchen. Even packages that are sealed can contain pantry pests. Pour the contents onto a cookie sheet to look for evidence of pantry pests. If in doubt, throw it out.
- Store foods that are “bug-free” in glass, plastic, or metal containers with tight lids, or keep them in the refrigerator. Pantry pests can chew through cardboard, and plastic or paper bags.
- Remove shelf paper, vacuum and wash empty cupboards, drawers, and shelves. Don’t let flour or crumbs accumulate on shelves or in crevices.
- Because pantry pests often lay eggs in hidden cracks and crevices that your cleaning can’t reach, a professional pest control service will help prevent another infestation. Call Colonial; we can help.