
Carpenter Ant

The carpenter ant holds the distinction of being the number-one household pest in the Northeast. Carpenter ants get their name from their nesting habits, which involve excavating smooth galleries in moist wood. These galleries are so smooth they look like they were sandpapered. Though they don’t eat the wood like termites, they can do considerable damage if left alone. Carpenter ants are polymorphic (vary greatly in size) and can range from 1/4 inch to more than 5/8 inch. Indications of a nest inside your house are piles of sawdust, consistent sightings of worker carpenter ants, and a noise that emanates from a wall or ceiling. This noise will sound similar to Rice Krispies popping or crinkling cellophane. The number one contributing factor for a carpenter ant infestation is the presence of a moisture problem in the home. Hot spots for nesting sites include attached decks, leaky roofs, under insulation in cellars and attics or where additions attach to the home. Our approach to carpenter ant removal has always been to try and find the nest. We accomplish this through experience and with the help of the “Microgen Microinjector.” This machine enables us to flush out ant colonies by applying an ultra-fine fog insecticide into cracks and crevices in suspected wall and ceiling voids. Call us today for further information on our carpenter ant extermination methods as well as our preventative maintenance program.

Corporate Offices

32 Lake Ave.

Worcester, MA 01604


47 Thames Rd Ste 6&7

Hooksett, NH 03106



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