In the last few years, you have no doubt seen news items about the slow demise of honey bees due to a syndrome called Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD).
VIEW MOREUnfortunately, if you had a lot of yellowjacket nests last summer, you will probably have more activity than normal this summer, too.
VIEW MOREQuestion About a month ago we discovered that we had a yellowjacket nest hidden in the wall void in our garage. We had the nest treated with insecticide and were told that any surviving yellowjackets would be dying soon so there wasn’t any reason to do anything further. Is that right? Should we just leave
VIEW MOREQuestion About a month ago we discovered that we had a yellowjacket nest hidden in the wall void in our garage. We had the nest treated with insecticide and were told that any surviving yellowjackets would be dying soon so there wasn’t any reason to do anything further. Is that right? Should we just leave
VIEW MOREQuestion We’ve been having a problem this summer with bees getting into our swimming pool. They buzz around us and sometimes we find them drowning in the water. My kids are starting to freak out. Is there some way to repel the bees? Answer Honey bees gravitate to swimming pools looking for water to keep
VIEW MOREIn June at a shopping center near Portland, Oregon, 55 linden trees that were in full bloom were sprayed with Safari insecticide (dinotefuran) to kill aphids. As a result, it’s estimated that 25,000-50,000 pollinating carpenter bees and bumble bees were killed by the pesticide. The product label prohibits applying the product or allowing it to
VIEW MOREQuestion My son was stung by a big black and white bee or wasp. He killed it so we know it looks like a yellowjacket and has similar markings except instead of black and yellow, it’s black and white. Do you know what it is and where it nests? Answer It’s always best to see
VIEW MOREQuestion Why are yellowjackets always such a pain at this time of the summer? I usually don’t notice them at all until sometime in late July. Then it seems like they’re everywhere and literally in your face! Answer It’s hard to believe we’re into mid-summer already. There are two main reasons why we are noticing
VIEW MOREQuestion I just heard on the news about a guy who was killed by killer bees when he disturbed a nest while on his tractor. Do we have killer bees here in the Northeast and how can you tell them from regular honey bees? Answer We do not have killer bees (the proper term is