Question How can you tell a carpenter bee from a bumble bee? We’ve been seeing lots of big, black and yellow bees around our house and I’m concerned that they might be damaging the wood somewhere. We can’t find any kind of nest. Answer While carpenter bees and bumble bees do look somewhat alike, you
VIEW MOREQuestion We had several yellowjacket nest holes in our yard last year. Is there anything we can do to keep them from nesting there again this year? Will they re-use the same ground nests from last year? Answer In my experience, the best way to prevent ground nesting yellowjackets is to make sure you treat
VIEW MOREQuestion We had a problem last year with those big black bees making holes in our deck railings. Will they be back again this spring? Is there anything we can do to reclaim our deck!? Answer You’re talking about carpenter bees. They look a lot like bumble bees, which nest in the ground, except carpenter
VIEW MOREQuestion I’ve got wasps inside my house! It’s hardly even spring yet but I’ve seen 5 or 6 large, blackish wasps around my patio doors. Could I possibly have a nest in the house somewhere? Answer At this time of year, there are no active wasp nests anywhere. They have yet to be built. What
VIEW MOREThe name makes them sound like bad dudes — “Cicada Killers.” You have to figure that any wasp that can kill a cicada is pretty scary. And these are big, intimidating wasps. The larger female can be up to two inches long! That wasp must be mean and aggressive with a really bad sting. Not so, cicada killers are gentle giants, sort of the Shreks of the wasp world.
VIEW MOREQ. We had a really scary thing happen last summer. Yellowjackets emerged from a hole in the wall into my daughter’s bedroom! A pest control company was trying to treat the nest that was inside the walls but I guess it drove them out into her room instead. Then we had a real mess. My daughter was stung twice and we ended up having to rip the wall open to remove the nest. Was this a rare occurrence or is there a chance this could happen again? We do see lots of yellowjackets outside around our house.
VIEW MOREQ. What’s the big black and white wasp that we’re seeing around our deck? Is it some kind of a yellowjacket? How can we find its nest so we can get rid of it?
VIEW MOREQ. I have a question about those wasps that build the mud tube nests on houses. How do they get the mud to make the nests?
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