Migration to warmer climates Famously, the Monarch Butterfly migration is investigated by researchers and amateur lepidopterists alike. The migration from Canada and the Northern United States occurs in the fall by a single generation of adult butterflies. An adult butterfly lives for only about four to five weeks. In this time, the generation of migrating
VIEW MORENo time like the present Some pest activity is compelling enough on its own to warrant immediate active. When a large rodent is chewing through your drywall or a yellow jacket void nest is starting to break through the ceiling, it doesn’t take much consideration to call for a pest control service. Other times, however,
VIEW MOREWhen it gets chilly outside, Mice come in for a meal and more! Every year in the fall we receive an increase in calls for mice in the home. Often, the caller will explain how they have already tried seemingly everything to curtail the invasion – from box store poisons and traps to inventive remedies
VIEW MORESo, summer is half over for some of us and ticks haven’t been a big issue yet. Maybe we’ll get a break this year! Maybe not. In the world of ticks, things are just getting started. Ticks are not just summer pests anymore. In fact, in some areas of the U.S., ticks are practically year-round
VIEW MOREWhile we are all caught up in the attempt to avoid one pervasive disease, COVID-19, we should remember that there are other diseases spread by pests that we will encounter as we move outdoors. Ticks and mosquitoes will still be around and, in fact, we may have more contact with these pests this summer as
VIEW MOREYou probably haven’t been thinking about ticks yet this year, but there’s plenty of evidence that you should be. Most of us are spending more time outside (although with the required social distancing) either because we’re bored, our gym has closed, or we just figure we might as well start on all that neglected yard
VIEW MOREAlready starting to think about spring and warm weather…and perhaps the bugs that warm weather brings? Well, we are. These days, public health pests such as ticks, bed bugs, and mosquitoes are more important than ever. If you’ve been reading this blog, you know that new diseases transmitted by blood-sucking pests, especially ticks and mosquitoes,
VIEW MOREHealth workers and researchers in the Northeast are becoming increasingly concerned about the increase in tick-transmitted diseases. It’s not just the increase in the incidence of any one disease but also the increase in the variety of tick-transmitted diseases out there. Used to be Lyme disease was the only real concern. Now other diseases, some
VIEW MORENew research evidence suggests that when trying to control ticks around your property, it’s even more important than we thought to pay attention to mice nesting on your property at the same time. We know that the blacklegged tick that transmits Lyme disease has several different animal hosts at different stages of its lifecycle. While
VIEW MORE32 Lake Ave.
Worcester, MA 01604
47 Thames Rd Ste 6&7
Hooksett, NH 03106