Q. Our neighbor is worried about termites. She called a pest control company that wants to put termite bait monitors around her house. I’ve always wondered how those things work? Do they kill the termites or trap them or what?
VIEW MOREQ. We have either swarming termites or swarming ants, I think. Can you explain to me the difference between the two? I’m kind of afraid to find out that they’re termites.
VIEW MOREQ. For the last few years we have had what look like flying ants come out in our basement by the furnace. This happens for a day or two in the spring, then they are gone but little wings are all over the place. My neighbor said I should get it checked out as it may be termites, is she correct?
Q. How do you tell the difference between Carpenter ant damage versus termite damage?
Q. I caught my cat playing with a bunch of dark, winged insects on the floor of the family room by our patio door. I don’t think the insects came in from outside because this door stays closed. Could these be termites?