We just bought a house that was in foreclosure and empty for several months. We found an awful lot of spider webs and a few spiders but I’m worried about spider eggs that might still hatch out. What should we do to prevent that? K. B., Hampstead, NH What you do now might depend in
VIEW MOREIt’s that time of year when cool nights get us thinking that it’s time to bring in the houseplants that have enjoyed a summer outside. If you don’t carefully check the plants before moving them inside, you could be bringing in pests as well. Houseplant Hitchhikers Fall into Three Groups (1) Plant-sucking pests – These
VIEW MOREInterviewer: Excuse me, Mr. Spider, I’ve been admiring your web. Do you have time for a few words? Spider: That’s Ms. Spider to you, you don’t think that a male had anything to do with this spectacular web, do you? That’s him over there, that little guy. He’s lucky I haven’t eaten him yet. Interviewer:
VIEW MORESpiders are part of life; we have all seen their webs. Most people can tolerate the sight of spiders, regarding them as simply other animals in the world. Other folks are not so sure and become nervous or scared when spiders are present. Very few of us have actually had negative encounters with spiders. In
VIEW MOREI am so tired of always cleaning up spider webs in my house. Seems like they’re everywhere I look. Why are there so many in the winter when there don’t seem to be any bugs around for the spiders to feed on? F. M., Lee, NH It might not necessarily be that you have so
VIEW MOREI was doing some heavy housecleaning yesterday and kept finding these light brown, soft, round things in corners and on the underside of furniture. They’re about the size of a pea. Are these the eggs of some insect? P. V., Epsom, NH You’re almost right. I’m guessing that what you were finding were spider egg
VIEW MORENews Flash!! Contrary to popular belief, spiders almost never bite people. There is evidence that most of the bites that people (or their doctors) attribute to spiders are not from spiders at all. One survey found that 80% of suspected spider bites were actually caused by other arthropods or were symptoms of a medical condition
VIEW MOREMy daughter found a very strange bug that looks like it is full of blood. I thought it was a bed bug and took it to the University where they said it was a spider beetle. Doesn’t look like a spider to me. What’s it doing in my house? W. P., Melrose, MA Spider beetles
VIEW MOREPest Management Professional magazine recently conducted a survey of its readers about spider pests that they deal with on the job. The number one spider pest in the U.S. is apparently the American house spider. Coming in at number two is the wolf spider. You’ve seen wolf spiders. If you had to pick the scariest-looking
VIEW MORE32 Lake Ave.
Worcester, MA 01604
47 Thames Rd Ste 6&7
Hooksett, NH 03106