Mr. Fido and Miss Kitty are happy, contented, slightly overweight pets. They’re fed twice a day and Miss Kitty always has her bowl of dry food in the corner of the kitchen. It gets topped off when the bottom of the bowl shows.
VIEW MOREQ. Recently, I’ve seen mice in my apartment. I think there’s more than one. I bought some wooden snap traps to try to catch the mice but I’m not sure what I should use for bait. Can you tell me what food will work best for catching mice?
VIEW MORE“Where I grew up we used to have rats that were as big as cats”
Q. I saw a mouse run under the oven, should I be worried?
A. Don't panic, but yes there is a problem. Mice not only carry many diseases, mice may also start fires.
Q: How do mice get into my house?
A rodent infestation can happen in the best of homes. As the months get colder, pesky rodents start seeking shelter in warm places. And what’s warmer than your cozy home?
VIEW MOREQ. I’ve had trouble getting rid of mice in my home. Just when I think they’re gone, I trap another one. What am I doing wrong?
VIEW MOREQ. Can mice really travel along electrical lines to get inside a building? I’m worried that mice might be following our lines and getting into the attic.
A. It’s very possible for mice to walk lines or cables and enter your attic around the opening where the lines enter the building if that opening has not been caulked or sealed. Mice have extraordinary physical abilities. They can climb and run along pipes, cables, and electrical lines. They can even travel for considerable distances upside down.
VIEW MORE32 Lake Ave.
Worcester, MA 01604
47 Thames Rd Ste 6&7
Hooksett, NH 03106