We can’t rule out an indoor nest without a professional inspection, but chances are good that these are outdoor-nesting ants that are actively foraging now that the weather is getting warm. They’ve found their way into your house in their search for food that they’ll take back to their outdoor nest. PAVEMENT ANTS ARE COMMON
VIEW MOREThese bees are familiar, you think. Then you remember that they seem to show up every spring at about this time and in the same place, too. They’re pretty aggressive, noisy, and diving and swooping at you when you come near. It may seem like there’s a whole hive of bees when they’re chasing you
VIEW MOREWhen I first heard about a new invasive tick species, the Asian Long-horned tick, I have to admit I thought maybe it was fake news! Now, I’ve been following the news about the Asian Long-horned beetle for many years, and it is a devastating forest pest. The presence of ALB has resulted in the destruction
VIEW MOREI didn’t see this species at all last summer but throughout my tenure in this industry, I usually have at least a couple clients troubled by these odd little ants. I’ll classify them as a structure infesting ant. I’ve seen them excavating out foam insulation in walls and ceilings and have found them nesting under
VIEW MOREThe fall invading insects like wasps, lady beetles, and conifer seed bugs are sort of universally troublesome for homeowners and owners of commercial real estate but throughout the sultry summer months another cast of characters dubbed “Occasional Invaders” can reach major nuisance status. These are the pillbugs, sowbugs, millipedes and springtails and they’ll enter homes
VIEW MOREIn the yard itself – 1. Move firewood piles away from the house – If you moved your firewood close to the house this winter for convenience, now is the time to get that wood farther away since firewood piles attract all kinds of pests and invite wood-feeding insects that could have an eye on
VIEW MOREAs we move into the spring season and a more active time of year outdoors for many, I can’t emphasize enough the importance of doing tick checks. I’ve been following CDC data for years on the reporting of Lyme and there was a record number of cases of tickborne diseases reported for the year 2017.
VIEW MOREAs a backyard gardener, and orchardist, I’m always interested in keeping up with new exotic insect species arriving and becoming established in the US, because sooner or later they’ll be showing up at my place. Two of the top four ‘most wanted’ (at least according to one researcher) are present in my yard. One is
VIEW MOREI shouldn’t be too surprised seeing ant activity in a home as we’re moving into late winter, but I sort of was. This observation occurred after some snow and seriously cold weather. Odorous house ant (Tapinoma sessile) is a very elusive and therefore troublesome pest species that I’ve only rarely found actually nesting in homes
VIEW MORE32 Lake Ave.
Worcester, MA 01604
47 Thames Rd Ste 6&7
Hooksett, NH 03106