Pest control in low-income housing is often a challenge, usually because property owners are not willing to spend the money to have professionals do the job as it should be done. Research by an urban entomologist and a San Diego pest control company found that only a small percentage of low-income apartments in Los Angeles
VIEW MOREQ. We have a lot of those big, black cockroaches around the outside of our house. I find them in the mulched flower beds next to the back door and under the porch, even in cold weather. Sometimes, I find them inside in the basement. What are they feeding on?
VIEW MOREQ. My grandmother insists that the small, scurrying insects in her kitchen are not cockroaches, but that they are waterbugs. Aren’t they the same thing, or is there such a thing as a waterbug? These look like cockroaches to me.
VIEW MOREQ. Can cockroaches give you asthma?
A. Yes. There have been a number of studies that have shown that living with cockroaches can lead to asthma, especially for children. This seems to be a little known fact because a nationwide survey found that only 10% of homeowners feel that cockroaches are a threat to their family’s health.
VIEW MOREQ. I’ve read more than once that cockroaches have been around since the days of the dinosaurs and that they will be the only survivors after a nuclear holocaust wipes out everything else. How come we can manage to exterminate other insect pests, but not cockroaches?
VIEW MOREQ. My son said he was bitten by a cockroach while sitting at the kitchen table. He watched it crawl onto his hand and bite him! He doesn’t have a welt or anything. Do they spread diseases with their bite?
VIEW MOREQ. For about the last year, I’ve been finding these very large reddish-brown cockroaches in my basement. Not a lot of them, just a few occasionally, Then I found out that two of my neighbors have the same problem. Do these roaches move from house to house? Are they coming in from outside or what?
VIEW MOREQ. We have this bug that gets into our basement every once in awhile. It’s black and sort of shiny like a cricket and its about the same size, but it looks more like a roach. Is there a roach that looks like that?