My son was moving some cardboard boxes of motor oil that had been sitting in our crawlspace. Crawling all over the bottom of the boxes were these small, whitish insects or mites. They look like pictures I’ve seen of termites, except they seem to be too small. We didn’t find any infested wood or mud tubes or anything. Are these young termites?
VIEW MOREBefore bed bugs, if someone noticed an itchy, red welt, first thing in the morning, they would usually blame a spider? What other explanation could there be? It’s hard to convince people that getting a spider bite is actually a rare event. Despite what you hear, spider bites almost never happen!
Do insects have a nose? What does it look like? There’s no doubt that insects are drawn from long distances to pheromone traps by the “smell” of the pheromone. Flies and yellowjackets and other annoying pests can clearly zero in on people food so they must be able to smell it. Blow flies can detect a dead body from up to a mile away. It’s not their vision, so it must be their nose.
VIEW MOREQ. I know there are several insects that can move into homes in the fall. We don’t have any problem with the stink bugs but we do have a problem with lady beetles getting inside. How do we know if the ones we have are the Asian lady beetles or the regular lady beetles that are good guys? I might treat them differently if I knew.