You don’t say that you’ve seen actual mice, but we’ll assume that the fecal “droppings” you are seeing came from mice. There aren’t too many things that look similar — a few that come to mind are pupal cases of some small flies or food beetles or moths (also caraway seeds and some other dark…
VIEW MOREScience says it really is as hard to swat a house fly as you think it is. It’s not just you. House flies have more successful escapes, all thanks to their halteres. Entomologists (but not many other people) know that flies really have two pairs of wings. Unless you’re an expert, you could probably never…
VIEW MOREGood for you, thinking this through ahead of time! Hopefully you’ve been in touch with your new property manager who has arranged to have your apartment treated by a pest control professional while it’s still vacant and before your move-in. It’s also a good idea to have your present home treated by a pest control…
VIEW MORESince we’re all spending a lot of time indoors these days, some of us are doing spring cleaning early, tackling some of those household chores that repeatedly get overlooked. One such chore is removing spider webs and spider egg sacs, and cleaning up spider poop in those out-of-the-way places. WHY DO WE HAVE SPIDERS IN…
VIEW MORESorry to be the bearer of bad news but both found nest material and strange sounds are indeed signs of mice. Of course they could be signs of other things, too. A pest management professional can make the determination. There are several more signs of the presence of mice. The more that you discover, the…