Everyone knows what a mosquito looks like (although we still confuse them with harmless midges). Once you’ve endured mosquitoes biting you, you tend to remember the enemy. But not everyone knows what the immature stages of mosquitoes look like. That’s important because, while the elusive adult mosquito flies around and can’t always be caught or…
VIEW MOREThe Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has been emphasizing tick control as the number of tick-transmitted disease cases continues to grow (see Annual Tickborne Disease Update). CDC says the best approach is to landscape your property to establish tick-safe zones and to have a pest management professional treat high-risk areas bordering your yard. CDC’S TICK-SAFE…
VIEW MOREYou’ve just discovered that your dog has fleas. The veterinarian has treated the dog, a very important first step, but is that all you need to do? Actually, there’s more. If you don’t also have your home inspected and treated by a pest management professional, fleas are likely to show up again, perhaps biting people…
VIEW MOREEarwigs normally live outdoors in damp areas where they feed on live or dead insects and plants, sometimes damaging garden plants in the process. If you have earwigs entering your home it’s usually because (1) their outdoor environmental conditions have changed and are now too dry or too wet or too hot, (2) you may…
VIEW MORENever say never. There is always at least one way to address a pest problem, and usually several. I can give you a few suggestions that should cut down on visits from the Pennsylvania wood cockroach, Parcoblatta pennsylvanica. What you’re seeing are the male wood roaches that are very active during the mating season from…
VIEW MORE32 Lake Ave.
Worcester, MA 01604
47 Thames Rd Ste 6&7
Hooksett, NH 03106