While we are all caught up in the attempt to avoid one pervasive disease, COVID-19, we should remember that there are other diseases spread by pests that we will encounter as we move outdoors. Ticks and mosquitoes will still be around and, in fact, we may have more contact with these pests this summer as…
VIEW MOREInsects and other arthropods do very well in basements, especially basements that are unfinished or only partially finished and are well below grade (see Here’s Why Pests Love Your Basement!). These pests enter basements usually for three main reasons: 1. — to escape detrimental outside conditions such as cold, dryness, or temporary flooding. 2. —…
VIEW MOREYour wasps do sound like paper wasps. These wasps love to build their nests in places that are protected from the elements and predators; the inside corner of a porch roof is high on their list. Other favorite sites are under the eaves of a building, in vents, behind shutters, under window ledges, or in…
VIEW MORETHE GIANT MURDER HORNET MURDERS BEES There’s no chance that you were harassed by an Asian giant hornet, for several reasons: (1) The hornet is from Japan and so far has only been detected in the U.S. in Washington state. (2) The Asian giant hornet is dull orange and rusty brown with a striped abdomen…
VIEW MOREYou probably haven’t been thinking about ticks yet this year, but there’s plenty of evidence that you should be. Most of us are spending more time outside (although with the required social distancing) either because we’re bored, our gym has closed, or we just figure we might as well start on all that neglected yard…