Customer Guarantee

The Colonial 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

If for any reason you are not 100% satisfied with our services*, if something is still bugging you after we’ve left, we will make it right, at no extra charge. That’s our promise to you: the Colonial 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.

The Colonial 100% Satisfaction Guarantee has guided Colonial Pest Control since day one. Now, 37 years later, with tens of thousands of satisfied residential customers and over 12,000 more currently under preventative maintenance contract, the Colonial 100% Satisfaction Guarantee means a lot to a lot of people.

We want it to mean a lot to you as well. For more information on our services, visit the Services section on this web site, or call Colonial Pest Control at 1-800-525-8084.

*This guarantee does not cover bedbug treatment.


All of your employees have great personalities. They speak to you like a friend and make you feel comfortable.

Richard T. (Holden, MA)



We’re not satisfied until you are. Learn More