
How do I know if I have a carpenter ant problem?

By Chris Williams on August 13, 2014.

There are a number of signs that can tell you whether or not you have a carpenter ant problem. For example, have you seen large‑winged ants indoors in any number? Winged carpenter ants are the swarming form and are often mistaken for swarming termites. Winged ants are produced when a colony reaches a certain size.

Have you seen piles of sawdust on the floor? Carpenter ants keep their nest galleries very clean, dumping bits of chewed wood, dead insects, and miscellaneous debris out of their nest through natural holes or slits in the wood.

Have you seen ants in your home when the ground outside is frozen? In our region, carpenter ants living outside are inactive during our cold winters. They are not foraging for foods. If you have ants in your home during the winter, you can be pretty sure that they’re nesting inside where the heat allows them to remain active.

Have you heard crunching or rustling noises coming from your walls? When they’re excavating wood and moving around in their nest, carpenter ants make a distinctive munching or rustling noise that some say sounds like crinkling cellophane.

If any of these scenarios seem familiar, you might need professional help. Contact Colonial Pest Control for a professional inspection for carpenter ants. Give us a call today.

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