
Bed Bug Awareness Week Launches Summer Travel Season

By Chris Williams on June 5, 2015.

bed-bug-adultOnce again, the Professional Pest Management Alliance is reminding us that June 7-13, 2015 has been designated as national Bed Bug Awareness Week. This week was chosen to coincide with the beginning of summer travel.

While the risk of picking up bed bugs while traveling is almost certainly exaggerated, it is still one of the primary concerns voiced by the public when it comes to bed bugs. Before you travel, arm yourself with knowledge. There is certainly plenty of bed bug information available on the Internet and even here on our own website.


Plan Ahead to Avoid Bed Bugs on Your Vacation

Before you hit the road:

  1. Know what bed bugs (and their shed skins, and their eggs) look like (see Bed Bugs Don’t Arrive in Swarms).
  2. Be able to recognize the telltale fecal spots left by bed bugs on bedding.
  3. Know how to do a basic bed bug inspection of your hotel/motel room (see Do I Really Have to Check My Hotel Room for Bed Bugs?).
  4. Know how to store your belongings and your luggage in a hotel room to avoid hitchhiking bed bugs (see Bed Bug Prevention Tips for Holiday Travel – Advice From the Pros).
  5. Know how to handle your clothing and belongings after you get home (see How to Avoid Bed Bugs After the Trip!).
  6. Know what to do if, despite everything, you end up with bed bugs (see How to Pick a Bed Bug Control Company).

Finally, have a great summer and safe travel! Remember, Colonial Pest will be here all summer long to help with any pest problems that might arise.
Photo credit: Gilles San Martin / Foter / CC BY-SA

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