
Winter’s Here!

By Chris Williams on February 4, 2015.

winter's here - snowy road

But Hidden Pests in Your Home Won’t Be Sleeping for Long!

The one constant about weather in New England is that it’s always changing. December 2013 was probably one of the coldest in decades. Remember the polar vortex? It had already taken a firm grip on most of the country at this time a year ago.

December 2014 was pretty mild, but last week’s blizzard sealed the deal for New England. Winter is here for sure.

I, for one, am celebrating – I’m crazy for cross-country skiing and gotten really spoiled the past couple of winters. I’m staring at my season pass wondering when I’ll get my first opportunity to go gliding on the snow.  My Christmas wish was for lots of snow and lots of fun on it, and it looks like it came true!

Something that we can all celebrate is that, since the first day of winter on December 21st, the days have stopped declining in length and have actually been getting longer. Sure, it will be a few weeks before you really start to notice, but a minute or so per day starts to add up. Something to think about while you’re shoveling out!

Did you know that insects in the temperate zones, one of which includes the northeast region of the US, undergo a dormancy period called diapause? The critical factor for initiating this process is the photoperiod, which is just a fancy way of saying day length!

So, a minute per day increase in daylight makes for some pretty serious difference by March when the sun is much stronger and all your ‘favorite’ pests start waking up. Maybe by then you will have discovered you have a carpenter ant problem. Or you might have found out that your home has been a winter haven for insects like wasps, ladybugs, conifer seed bugs, or cluster flies.

Colonial Pest Control can help with that! Give us a call today and get ready – winter’s here now, but spring will be here before you know it!



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