
Prevent Pest Problems by Solving Moisture Issues

By Chris Williams on March 18, 2011.

Insects love moisture. All living things need water to survive. From fungi and mold to plants and animals, water is essential. Some creatures absorb moisture from the environment, others consume or drink it. Any way you slice it, water is important to survival. With all the melting snow, heavy rains of Spring, damage from ice dams, and high winds ripping off shingles and siding, water is getting into homes. Add that to slow leaks from pipes and toilets, excessive water in cellars, condensation on windows, poor ventilation in bathrooms already taking place, and there is a recipe for happy bugs. Most pest species causing problems in homes are greatly benefited by moisture problems. From decay fungi, eating wood from within to book lice and silver fish that feed on microscopic growths, everyone is coming to the party. Termites need to live and work in very moist places, the worst damage comes in conjunction with access to wood and moisture. Carpenter ants require moisture and nests usually begin in wet, rotten wood. Powder Post Beetles require a moisture content of 15% or higher in order to develop and cause damage to wood. Decay Fungi, Mold, Ants, Springtails, Silverfish, Book Lice, Termites, and Wood Boring Beetles all need moist environments in which to live.

carpenter-antControlling excess water and humidity within a structure is paramount to stopping insect pest damage. Pesticides, baits, and traps may aid in reducing the population at hand, but are only part of the equation. Dehumidifiers may be used to literally dry an entire structure, making life hard for pests, and impossible for fungi and molds. Drainage systems, gutters, vapor barriers, sump pumps, dehumidification systems, and ventilation all play an important role in drying a structure. Some buildings are very dry and have relatively few or minor pest issues. Historically the worst cases we see involve a combination of factors, usually taking place simultaneously to create ideal conditions for pest activity. If conditions are unfavorable, damage is usually minimal and easy to control. Severe problems may require not only treatment but other remedial action. Each case is unique with specific factors involved in conjunction with the pest species.

cockroachProfessionals from Colonial Pest Control will be able to point to the problem areas and make specific recommendations regarding moisture issues and pest activity. Please call us if you see Termite Swarmers, Termite damage, Mud Tubes, black Carpenter Ants, or pests of any type. Colonial Pest Control has safe and effective treatments for all household pests including but not limited to: Termites, Carpenter Ants, Pavement Ants, Odorous House Ants, Little Black Ants, Pharaoh Ants, Field Ants, Termites, Cockroaches, Fleas, House Flies, Drain Flies, Fruit Flies, Cluster Flies, Fungus Gnats, Bed Bugs, Conifer Seed Bugs, Stink Bugs, Boxelder Bugs, Lady Bugs(Not Protected), Flour Beetles, Grain Beetles, Carpet Beetles, Cigar Beetles, Larder Beetles, Powder Post Beetles, Borers, Granary Weevils, European Hornets, Paper Wasps, Yellow Jackets, Bees, Carpenter Bees, Silverfish, Centipedes, Yellow Sack Spiders, Long Legged House Spiders(Daddy Long Legs), Brown Recluse Spiders(Yes, we have them here), Jumping Spiders, Wolf Spiders, Ticks(indoors), Indian Meal Moths, Clothes Moths, and Grain Moths.

I am sure we can help resolve your pest problems! Colonial pest control also has a crack team of Wildlife Control Experts in operation. Services include Flying Squirrel control, Red and Grey Squirrel control, Bat Control, and Skunk removal as well as full exclusion with extended warranty of our work. Please contact Colonial Pest Control for all your pest control needs.



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